My husband didn’t enjoy this first part so much as
he couldn’t do anything but wait in a corner while I was madly browsing the
clothes rails and queuing for fitting rooms for what seemed to me ten minutes,
but must have been at least an hour.
But he enjoyed the second part for sure. We went to
visit Lightbox, Woking’s museum, which has also a shop, a café and galleries with
temporary exhibitions. I must say that it had a lot of interesting things;
besides the permanent collection, displaying objects linked to Woking’s history,
there are talks, workshops for children and for adults, yoga sessions and art
and craft fairs.
The main gallery hosted the exhibition: John Constable, Observing the weather.
It was about the painter’s ability to observe and depict how the weather changes,
reproducing skies and clouds in exceptional sketches. He also considered his works
as experiments of ‘inquiry into the laws of nature’. He believed that painting
was ‘a branch of natural philosophy’, a way to explore the world, to know it
better. According to him landscape painting could give us the key to understand
what is around us. He thought that not only science can observe, describe and
discover the laws that regulate nature, but art can do it as well, using a
deeper insightful kind of observation. Therefore artistic intuition and
attentive scrutiny can attain important results. Certainly his artistic
intuition and skills worked together to produce exceptional landscapes. On the
walls there was a stanza from The Cloud
by P.B. Shelley and extracts from Constable’s journals. Interestingly I believe
that studying the changing of the sky and clouds is something typical of
northern countries and undoubtedly very interesting in England. I can’t think
of something similar in Italy where the weather is less changeable and the sky
is often clear, and there is therefore not much to study.
In the upper gallery there were some pieces from the
Ingram Collection. My favourite: Mini
Death by stick 2014, sort of ice lolly wooden sticks painted with inks,
acrylics and felt tip pens with figures reminding of people lying in coffins,
very original and funny in a way.
Other interesting events I took part in recently were
a wonderful poetry workshop at Freud museum in London with Pascale Petit and
the parents’ dinner at my son’s college in Oxford.
I had never been to Freud’s museum before; it’s a
beautiful house in Hampstead where Sigmund Freud lived only a year before
dying, after fleeing Vienna occupied by Nazis. There’s a huge collection of
antiquities, mainly Egyptian, Greek and Roman pieces, statuettes and fragments
he loved to collect. In the upper floor, which was the space used for the
poetry workshop, there was an interesting exhibit that looked like a net where
visitors were encouraged to weave patterns using threads and write their dreams
on postcards. An interesting space to have a poetry workshop and explore the
deepest parts of your soul.
At my son’s college we attended a lecture by Alison
Wolf after dinner about her book The XX
Factor, an interesting study on women’s work market and how it changed from
the 70s on. According to this study education is the key to attain a successful
career and today’s women don’t have to be extraordinary to be successful and
have a good career as in the past. Still the background counts (as it is for
men I suppose), girls from well-off families tend to go to the best colleges
and tend to marry high status men. At the same time being successful means
postponing the birth of the first child and consequently there is a drop in
fertility rates. It is almost impossible to work full time in a demanding job
and look after children at the same time. Women need to take time off,
sometimes for years, from their careers, or postpone or give up childbearing. Besides
women need help at home if they have a career, while servants were taken for
granted in the past, today house maids can be expensive. Wolf says that to
allow the chance of a career for all women, housework jobs have to be cheap.
And this necessarily leads to inequality, if some women can’t do their house
works because they are busy with their careers, other women have to do it at
low rates, because the career women can’t necessarily afford to pay them more.
Significantly the title of the lecture was Not
quite Utopia?
In my opinion a possible alternative to postponing
marriage and childbearing could be postponing the career. Women can have
children earlier and start a career a bit later. When the children start school
(primary or secondary) they don’t really need a full time mum any more.
Grandparents or friends can help and women can work longer and dedicate time
and mind to their careers. I don’t think today we need house maids with washing
machines, dish washers, vacuum cleaners and all the rest and we don’t need to
spend a whole day cooking to arrange a meal. I had never had a help at home
(though my parents had one), my husband and I shared the house works and the
care of the children, though I was the main carer and had breaks in my career,
sometimes very long breaks. My parents and parents in law helped and I could
carry on with a part time job. Our house has never been perfect or impeccably
tidy, but clean and welcoming.
On the whole today men and women live longer and
work longer, and this may trigger a crucial change. Women can catch
opportunities later in life (somebody would say: better late than never) if
they wish to have children earlier on. This can happen only if good
opportunities are offered to middle aged women as well, which is not always the
case today, as being over 40 or over 50 sometimes means that society sees your
perspectives as limited. The children are grown up and don’t need to be looked
after, it’s time to think about you. Can this be a solution?
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