My Christmas holidays
in Rome were relaxing, on the whole, but icy-cold. Apart from Christmas Eve,
Christmas Day and Boxing Day, Siberian weather hit Italy (and the rest of
Europe, I suppose) and lasted till the end of my stay. A ghastly, freezing
north wind, called Tramontana, and
temperatures below zero gripped the capital for more than a week. To make
matters worse, it was especially cold in my parents’ house though they swore
the central heating was on the whole day. I must confess I felt warm again only
when I entered Ciampino airport on 1st January to fly back to
Manchester. And when we landed in Manchester in the afternoon, the temperature
was higher (12°C) than when we’d left Rome at lunchtime, though it was pouring.
In spite of the chilly
weather I had time to taste excellent food, try new recipes, meet friends and
relatives and go shopping and sightseeing. All in my next blog pieces.
When I arrived in Rome,
a few days before Christmas Day, it was strangely sunny, almost spring like
(14°-17° C). We took off all our coats and sweaters and kept on only t-shirts
or light tops. The gorgeous weather lasted only until Boxing Day, when the
temperature dropped dramatically to below zero. Frost gripped the capital and
the north wind blew incessantly for days. It was a culture shock: Italy colder
than England? I fell ill immediately. It had its positive side: I was forced to
rest at home, which I much needed considering my present hectic life style.
I found my parents
cheerful and extremely happy to see me and to have me for ten whole days. My
father was slower than last summer as he had developed inflammation of the leg
tendons and arthritis of the hips. It gave him terrible pains which caused
sleeplessness at night and prevented him from walking for weeks. My mother and
my sister assisted him and took him to hospital and other doctor’s appointments
when necessary. I found him in a good mood, slimmer, recovering on the whole.
On the other hand my mother and my sister were rather worn out. Luckily I came
in time to give them a bit of break.
What was different in
my parents from my last visit was the fact that now they stick to their
routines more than ever and have all sorts of problems with orientation skills.
For example they keep some of their clothes outside the wardrobe because they
struggle to find them inside it. During the Christmas dinner my father revealed
rather apocalyptical thoughts. He thinks the world is going to end in a few
decades because of overpopulation and consequent lack of food and fuel for all.
An understandable point of view (probably shared by millions of people) but an
unlikely to happen.
We watched old comedies
together: Natale in casa Cupiello (a
cult in Italy, especially at Christmas) and Napoli
milionaria (set during and just after WWII), both plays by Eduardo de
Filippo, a famous Neapolitan actor and playwright of my parents' time. His
works reminded me of the deeply rooted southern Italian mentality still present
in my family (though we have always lived in Rome), especially regarding
My parents in law were
all right (they are ten years younger than my parents) but my mother in law has
problems with her knee. Sometimes she uses a stick to walk (especially outside)
and can’t climb stairs. It’s just ageing I suppose, but we can see that from
one year to the next (sometimes from
season to season) our parents’ health slowly deteriorates.
I also met my sister
and my nephews before they left (they travelled abroad for most of the
Christmas holidays); we had a good chat and exchanged presents. She is doing a
lot of extra work at her school, which is improving her career prospects and
giving her a wider perspective. My sister has always been a down-to-earth
person, ready to learn from experience and hard work.
After Boxing Day my
eldest son went with his friends in Abruzzo in the Appennini mountains to spend
New Year’s Eve. The problem was that they forecast Siberian temperatures for
that area, between -8° and -16° C. He said he would be fine with two t-shirts
on at once (maybe three if it was really cold)
and his coat. Being an Italian mum I was extra-anxious. Considering the fact
that he had his uni exams in mid January, it wasn’t the right time to get
bronchitis or worse. Before he left I bought him a fleece saying it was for me
and I would make an exception and lend it to him just in case it was really cold. It worked, and later on he
confessed he had it on the whole time.
Of course I made cakes
with my mum and my daughter from a new recipe book my mum had bought for the
occasion. I am not giving away the results of our culinary experiments now, as
I am posting the recipes in the next blog entries, but it’s enough to say that
we dealt with challenging shortcrust pastry and exotic tart fillings.
And now for the
presents I received. All useful and beautiful. My husband bought me a new blue
chrome Acer notebook, extremely efficient and above all easy to handle and
light. It was an early present (I actually received it in October as I desperately
needed it to replace my old, heavy laptop, not ideal to carry up and down
England) and very welcome indeed. My boys and their girlfriends gave me an
elegant, warm, black poncho with golden leaf patterns which I wore at Christmas
(photo attached). My older daughter gave
me a book of pictures by the photographer Lee Jeffries, Homeless, the catalogue of an exhibition we saw last year together
in Rome. My mum gave me a waterproof jacket and a sleeveless blue top (she
thinks I need to wear serious clothes now that I work almost full time). My
sister gave me a pretty top with light brown- and cream- coloured check
patterns. I received books as well and bought more (all in the section ‘Books I
read’. I’ll post later).
A wonderful, busy
Christmas with my much loved family.

Other interesting
exhibitions were: Flemish Renaissance, Tiepolo, Henri Cartier Bresson, Escher
(but we had seen everything by him at the Hague a few years ago), Guercino and
Caravaggio and Mat Collishaw. Finally I had time to go to only two places: Bellissima, a fashion exhibition at
MAXXI (on till 3rd May), and Praz House Museum, open daily.

Besides the Bellissima exhibition, there was a
challenging collection of video clips by Korean artists: The Future is Now.
Some were stark, (e.g. the artist kissing a cracked piece of glass), others
generated, like the projection of water drops onto a stone basin (the stone
basin was real, the water pool and the drops were a video clip). An artificial
world where demolition, dissection and apparently meaningless, repetitive
actions are central.
The other museum I
visited was Mario Praz House Museum at Palazzo Primoli, near Piazza Navona. It
is open from Tuesday to Sunday and is free. A lady guides you through the
ancient house, commenting on the eminent art critic and his immense collection.
Mario Praz (KBE) lived in the house from 1969 till his death in 1982. He was a
scholar of English literature and taught both in Manchester and at the
University of Rome, La Sapienza, where I studied (his books were in my
curriculum). He was also a collector obsessed with neoclassicism: commodes,
beds, glass cabinets, even cradles fill the house, little objects crowd on
surfaces; large and small pictures cover the walls. He accumulated more than
one thousand two hundred items in sixty years. He started when he lived in England
and neoclassical pieces were cheap. When he moved to Italy he couldn’t stop. He
kept collecting, filling his house with objects beautiful or not, living in a
sort of museum where the aesthetic vision was more important than everyday
life. Everything was left where he placed it, giving a sense of chaotic order.
Some things are definitely interesting, like two portraits made using collage
technique and mixed media (lace, paper, metal flakes), the pictures and pieces
of furniture; others are strange, sometimes vaguely spooky, like the wax
pictures dating back to the 17th century. The floor plan is
circular. You start and end in the same living room.

I had an exciting time
as usual.
What I always indulge
in when I am in Italy, apart from food, is reading newspapers and magazines to
catch up with what's going on. It’s worrying, but sometimes funny, to see how
differently social and political problems are faced in Italy compared to the
This time there was an
end-of -year assessment where government, Church and intellectuals drew
conclusions on the present Italian social and economic situation.
La Notizia, a free newspaper my parents get from their local pharmacy, nominated
David Cameron First Person of the Year worldwide, with second place going to
Pope Francis and third to Malala Yousafzai. According to La Notizia, Cameron is ruling a country whose economics are on the
up. He cut bureaucracy, investing in innovation and last but not least he
opposed Angela Merkel. The journalists were probably unaware of other cuts in
education, health and welfare funding.
In Italy, number one is
Matteo Renzi, the Italian Prime Minister, who gave some confidence and
stability to the government.
Corriere della Sera dedicated a whole page to Pope Francis and his
Christmas wishes to Cardinals and Bishops. According to him, people in the
Roman Curia consider themselves untouchable, eternal and irreplaceable. On the
contrary, he said, they need to practice
constant self-criticism to avoid ‘spiritual dementia’ and a
‘schizophrenic double life’ consisting in hidden perversions and spiritual
emptiness. Other curial faults (he counted fifteen) included accumulation of
wealth, indifference to others, careerism and joining lobbies (religious
groups) who practice ‘terrorism of gossiping’ to slander their opponents. And
who better than the Pope to know?
Two other pieces of
news linked to the Vatican are: the spectacle of a Ukrainian Femen feminist who
stormed up to the St Peter's Square Nativity scene, grabbing the statue of baby
Jesus and shouting slogans against sexism, the Church and social discrimination
and also an entrepreneur from Trieste who bellowed a tirade against European
economic laws from St Peter’s dome.
Also in the news: at
quarter to midnight on Christmas Day, on an Italian military boat rescuing
African immigrants in the sea near Sicily, a Nigerian woman gave birth to a
baby boy. The assisting doctors and nurses christened the baby with the name
Salvatore, which in Italian means both rescued and saviour.
Lately, a far right
Mafia gang has emerged in Rome. They speak a colourful dialect and have rather
brusque manners. Translators were needed to decipher a dialogue scattered with
burps and farts. The most amusing bit was their names: Gnente (Nothing) who
survived a bomb he put in his own house to sidetrack investigations, Tagliola
(Leghold) who became a legend when he strangled a horse with his hands because
it negated a bet, Corbello (from his surname) who managed to get a scar the
shape of a swastika in a knife brawl, saving the money for a tatoo, Nazzista
(Nazist) who succeeded in entering Campidoglio, the Roman Capitol, unnoticed,
dressed in SS uniform and Baronetto (Baronet) who used to attend exclusive
London clubs and park his Jaguar on pedestrian crossings without being fined.
Other evoking names: Cacca (shit), Puzza (stink), Magnamonnezza (trash eater).
A Cuban artist, Erik
Ravelo, created an installation called Facing of five women’s portraits on
metal panels, eroding the surface with acid. The portraits were real victims of
acid attacks. Working for Fabrica, the research centre for Benetton, his aim is
to stand up against this horrid abuse. In March the panels will be sold to fund
UnWomen, the United Nations association that works to improve women’s
There was the
exceptional restoration of a chapel dedicated to Theodelinda, the Lombard
Queen, in Monza cathedral. She
introduced Christianity to the Lombards and was renowned up to the 16th
The frescoes in the
chapel were painted by the Zavattari and their students in 1444-46. It’s a
great International Gothic cycle with forty-five scenes narrating the life of
the queen according to the Historia
Langobardorum by Paolo Diacono. She had two husbands, Authari and Agilulf,
whose faces in the frescoes had deteriorated over time. The team of women who
restored it tried to recreate the original colours and clean off previous
restorations which were actually ruining the original paint. The whole job cost
about three million euro and was in part funded by the American World Monuments
The Italian artist
Davide Dormino and the American journalist Charles Glass are working together
on sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden standing on
three chairs with an empty forth chair near them. The empty chair is for us, as
Davide Dormino says, standing on a chair is not comfortable and courage can be
contagious. This is a public art project meant to reach out and make people
question themselves.
And finally, calendars.
There are some popular Italian calendars that date back to the 18th
century, but the modern Pirelli calendar displays photos of supermodels and
famous actresses in sexy poses. The Lavazza calendar has pictures of African
labourers, the Campari one features actress Eva Green in astounding poses, the
historical Carabinieri calendar centres on the commitment of the Carabinieri
army to their country and family, the Frate Indovino shows health advice and
recipes and the Barbanera contains astrology and gardening.
President of the
Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, delivered his final speech this year at
the age of almost ninety. Italians will miss him, but he can’t be eternal.
Honestly, I had hoped
for a woman president this time. But who can possibly do this in Italy? There
are no prominent women politicians and there is barely a prominent woman in any
walk of life. So who cares? Let’s still hope in the US. Welcome to Sergio Mattarella,
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