Sunday 21 May 2017

Cakes and biscuits with gluten free alternative flours

I was flabbergasted by the various kinds of flours in the supermarket shelves and decided to try some of them. I experimented both with biscuits and cakes recipes, just to have something special from time to time.

Donut cake with rice flour

You need: 200 g of rice flour, 150 g of icing sugar, 4 eggs, 30 g of melted butter, one tsp of baking powder and 100 g of dark bitter chocolate to decorate.
Whip the eggs with the sugar using an electric mixer for 15-20 minutes. Add the melted butter, the flour little by little and the baking powder. Keep whipping for another five minutes. Pour the mixture in a greased tin with the shape of a donut and bake for half an hour at 180° C. When cool, melt the chocolate in a pan and pour it on the cake.

Biscuits with rice flour
You need: 200 g of rice flour, 100 g of caster sugar, 2 eggs, 30 g of melted butter, half a tsp of baking powder and 50 g of glacé ginger in cubes or dried chopped apricots.
Mix flour and sugar in a bowl, add the eggs, the baking powder and the butter. Finally add the chopped apricots, or the glacĂ© ginger. Mingle them in the mixture using a fork and then knead the dough. Shape little balls, then press them with the palms of the hands and set them on a greased oven tray. Bake for 20 minutes, or till golden, at 180° C.

Cake with buckwheat flour

You need: 250 g of buckwheat flour, 150 g of golden granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp of olive oil, one tsp of baking powder, half a tsp of bicarbonate of soda, 150 g of cranberries and three tbsp of Demerara sugar.
Cook the cranberry in a pan with the Demerara sugar and 2-3 tbsp of water. Prepare the cake beating the eggs with the sugar, add the olive oil and the flour together with the bicarbonate of soda and the baking powder. Finally add two thirds of the cranberry and mix well. Pour the mixture in a greased cake tin and finish scattering the remnant cranberries on top. Bake for 30-45 minutes at 180° C.

Biscuits with buckwheat flour
You need: 200 g of buckwheat flour, 2 eggs, 100 g of golden granulated sugar, 2 tbsp of olive oil, half a tsp of baking powder and 50 g of dried cranberries.
Mix flour and sugar in a bowl, add the eggs, the baking powder, the dried cranberries and the olive oil. Mingle bits evenly using a fork and then knead the dough. Roll out the dough and cut the biscuits using a cookie cutter, finally set them on a greased oven tray. Bake for 20 minutes, or till darker, at 180° C.

Cake with rye flour

You need: 350 g of rye flour, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp of sunflower oil, 170 g of muscovado sugar, grated zest and juice of an orange, one tsp of baking powder and half a tsp of bicarbonate of soda. Orange peels sticks and melted dark chocolate to decorate.
Beat the yolk of the eggs with the sugar and add the orange zest and the juice. Then add half of the flour, the baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and the sunflower oil. Whip the whites of the eggs till stiff and blend them in the mixture as well. Add the rest of the flour and pour the mixture in a greased tin cake. Bake for 30-45 minutes at 180° C. When cool, decorate with the orange peel sticks and pour some melted dark chocolate on top.

Biscuits with rye flour
You need: 200 g of rye flour, 2 eggs, 50 g of melted butter, 100 g of muscovado sugar, grated zest of a lemon, half a tsp on baking powder, half a tsp of cinnamon.
Mix flour and sugar in a bowl. Add the eggs, the lemon zest, the cinnamon, the baking powder and the melted butter. Mingle it using a fork and then knead the dough. Roll out the dough and cut the biscuits using a cookie cutter. Finally set them on a greased oven tray. Bake for 20 minutes, or till darker, at 180° C.
I hope you enjoy them all!

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